5 snack options that are Nutritious, Delicious and oh so Simple

I am a snacker and I always will be - 3 main meals a day and snacks when needed is how I will always roll. It works for me.

There are SO many strong opinions on how to eat, to snack or not to snack, never-ending ‘diets’ etc. My moto? Eat. Eat plenty of food, Every. Single. Day. Eat a wide VARIETY and correct VOLUME of food to nourish your mental and physical self. This looks different for everyone, as we are all made up of our own unique cells. So you need to eat in a way that works for you, enabling your body and mind to THRIVE.

So, in a nutmeg shell, when is comes to eating a wholefoods diet, I am a HUGE believer in Volume, Variety and Regularity. For me, this looks like including nutritious, delicious and super easy snacks in my daily diet. If you are the same….read on ;)

The only thing with snacking can be the temptation (especially when you’re busy or STREESSSEEEDDD), to opt for the not-so-nourishing snacks, e.g. processed sugars, caffeine and packages upon packages. While these options can taste delicious and can provide an initial ‘high’, they end up leaving you crashing and burning later, and contribute to ‘under-nourishing’ ourselves.

SO! Here are 5 of my favourite snacks on the go. Nothing fancy, they take VERY MINIMAL prep time and I promise you they are tasty.

  1. Veggie sticks + Home-made Hummus

    This is soooo easy. Cut up some colourful veggie sticks, e.g. carrot, cucumber, snow peas, capsicum, zucchini, and plop your home-made hummus in to a bowl (or container if on the go) and there you have it! Snack no. 1 complete.

    Not a fan of hummus? Smash up an avo with a dash of lemon juice, salt and pepper - and voila! You have guacamole instead!

  2. Smoothie

    You can absolutely pack these bad boys full of goodness, they are filling and so damn delicious. Check out my tips on how to make a killer smoothie here.

  3. Handful of your favourite nuts + 2 x dates

    A small sweet and savoury snack. Grab a palm-full of nuts - ideally raw or Tamari (aka, not salted or flavoured) and a couple of dates if you need the added sweetness. I often cut out the date seed and put a walnut inside OR a dollop of pure peanut butter. Oh my, it is delicious.

  4. Boil an egg or two!

    Eggs are packed FULL of goodness - in particular; a great source of protein, B vitamins, Vitamin D, selenium and zinc. You can boil a bunch of eggs and keep them in the fridge ready for a quick snack. Sprinkle with salt and pepper if needed and you have a super nutritious and tasty snack on the go.

  5. Brown rice/quinoa cakes with goodness on top

    Got the mid-morning or afternoon munchies? These are great and can be made in to a more substantial snack. My favourite combo is tahini + avocado + sliced tomato + salt & pep. But put whatever your little heart desires. Think good fat (e.g. avo, tahini) + protein (e.g. tahini, tuna, goats feta) + veg (e.g. avo, tomato, cucumber, rocket, sauerkraut).

Want to take it one step further and so quickly bake something? See my Banana + Coconut Loaf and Nutty Biscnuts for 2 super quick, delicious and nutritious snack options.

Now run along and enjoy your snacks!

Phoebe xxx

P.s. feel like you are constantly craving sugar mid-meals? This can reflect a number of different potential health imbalances. I am right here to help you with that!