5 Natural Ways to BOOST your Immune System

During this uncertain time, it is more important than ever to know all about what you can be doing to support your health and immune systems, for yourself and those around you. Part of this is obviously following the most up-to-date government guidelines, practising top hygiene, being smart and staying calm <3

Furthermore, there are a bunch of AMAZING natural ways to boost your immune systems and help keep your immune cells fit and fighting. Here are 5 of Nutmeg's immune boosting tips;

1. Sleep

Sleep allows for our body systems to repair and regenerate, including our immune systems! Sleep affects how we think, react, work, feel, learn, interact, heal, restore and it certainly affects how we fight off infection! Factors to help achieve a good night’s sleep include; going to bed at the same time each night, waking up at the same time each morning, daily exercise in the sunshine, no screens at least 1 hour before bed, restful bedroom decor, aiming for approx. 8 hours sleep/night and not going to bed on a full or empty stomach (eating dinner at least 2 hours before you go to bed). More information regarding sleep here.

2. Calm Your Stress

 Stress can basically weave its way in to any of our bodily systems and run a muck. It can not only have a great impact on our mental health but our immune health!! If our body is in a stress response ('fight/flight'), all our energy and blood flow will be directed away from our organs/proper functioning of our body, and directed towards our peripherals (arms/legs) so we can run away from stressful stimuli. Thus! In a state of stress, energy will not be directed to fighting off disease - as if our body is concerned about fighting off infection whilst we are running away from a tiger! For some stress-reducing strategies - have a read here

3. Sunshine + Vitamin D

 Vitamin D is one of our top immune-boosting nutrients! It is always best to get your Vitamin D levels checked, through your GP or Naturopath, and correct any deficiencies via supplementation if necessary. Furthermore, Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin! So let's get out in the sunshine! I always recommend that my patients have at least 3 points of sunshine throughout the day - first thing in the morning, 15-20 minutes in the middle of the day, and again before the sun goes down.

4. Up your fruit + Veg Consumption

One very simple way to help your body fight infection is feeding your cells with all the good stuff - all the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that we obtain through our food. For a very general guideline; aim for 2-3 pieces of fruit each day and 6-8 cups/handfuls of veggies each day. Eat the colour of the rainbow!

5. Zinc + Vitamin C

Zinc + Vitamin C are two other big immune boosting nutrients and often come together in supplementation form. Before taking any supplementation, it is always best to consult with a healthcare practitioner first. In terms of food - let's boost our zinc and vitamin C! Foods high in zinc include wholegrains, nuts/seeds, eggs and meat and foods high in vitamin C include citrus fruits, berries, capsicum, brussel sprouts and broccoli. 

If you have any further immune questions, please feel free to drop me an email. Furthermore, for extra immune system information and how it is linked with our gut, see here.

Nutmeg xx

*Please note that this blog is providing general advice, it is not specific to your individual health history. If you are experiencing significant health changes, please book an appointment with a health practitioner to obtain your individualised treatment approach.