The 6 Naturopathic Principles


Did you know the practice of Naturopathy is defined by these six naturopathic principles!? These principles help shape how and what I do as a Naturopath, in helping individuals on their health journey ❤

1. First do no harm⁠ 🚫

Safe and effective treatment is key. Naturopaths are also trained to know which individuals they can treat safely, and which they need to refer to other health care practitioners. ⁠

2. The healing power of nature⁠ 🌻

Nature acts powerfully through healing mechanisms in the body and mind to maintain and restore health. Your body is so intelligent and strives to maintain optimal health at all times.⁠ By using natural methods, Naturopaths work to restore and support these inherent healing systems when they have broken down.⁠

3. Treat the cause⁠ 🙋‍♀️

Every illness/imbalance within the body or mind has an underlying cause, often in aspects of lifestyle, diet or habits of the individual. If we were to only treat the presenting symptoms, whilst ignoring the root cause of a condition, we would be doing the healing process and recovery an enormous disservice. ⁠

4. Treat the whole person⁠ 💃

Health or disease comes from a complex interaction of physical, emotional, dietary, genetic, environmental, social, lifestyle, and other factors. To treat an individual, we must look at their whole being. Each individual is unique and thus requires a unique naturopathic care plan, catering to their individual needs.⁠

5. Preventative medicine⁠ 💊🍲🌞😴💤 🌻

The naturopathic approach to health care aims to prevent minor illnesses from developing in to more serious or chronic degenerative diseases. ⁠

6. Patient education⁠ 👩‍🏫

A principal objective of Naturopahic care is to educate the patient and emphasise self-responsibility for health.⁠

*Mic Drop*⁠