A Naturopath's Secret to Health


Wanna hear my secret to health and ‘being/feeling well’? And by ‘being well’, I am referring to being mentally and physically at ease. Without our mental & physical health, we are stripped of all other beautiful things in life.

So, my secret to feeling well?

It is balance my friends. B.A.L.A.N.C.E.

A balance of all things – food, movement, rest, enjoyment, work, sunshine, sleep, love, connections, laughter, tears, hugs, space, holidays and the list goes on. Balance is the key and avoiding those EXTREMES.

Being a fully qualified Naturopath, I have learnt so much about nutrition and other holistic principles, particularly how nutrition and lifestyle truly do have the power to help and enable our body and mind to thrive (or not!). But I certainly am not an extremist when it comes to ‘healthy’ eating and lifestyle - the extremes are where we can find disease. Quite frankly, I don’t care what my patients do ‘sometimes’ or ‘occasionally’ or ‘on weekends’ or ‘only a little bit’ etc - that stuff is the balance, we need that stuff. What I do care about is what my patients do the majority of the time - and is this serving them? If yes, great. If not, lets balance it out, change it up, find what does help and serve them.

Particularly, where that balance is very important to me both professionally and personally, is living by the motto ‘all in moderation’ with food and movement, and when it comes to eating- ‘Volume, Variety and Regularity’. For those who don’t know, I had a Restrictive Eating Disorder for the majority of my life, so I absolutely know firsthand what happens when we don’t embrace balance and flexibility around all things. I am so passionate about educating individuals about the importance of nourishing ourselves with enough nutrient rich foods every single day, whilst also being able to enjoy the other foods, which are not so nutrient-dense, but delicious and important to include as part of a balanced diet (they nourish our soul).

Apart from food and movement? I surround myself with beautiful people that bring nothing but love, support, fun, laughs and many other wonderful things to my life. I also work on balancing my sunshine, sleep, play, work, screen time and so on and so forth. This is a continual work in progress for me!

So that is it. My big huge SECRET to helping you feel well. Embrace that balance. Do you know parts of your life that may not currently be balanced? Check in with them and what can you do about it?

Embrace all those shades of grey, nothing is just black and white. Work on balance of all things in life that serve your physical & mental self and your soul. You will start to feel better, my promise to you <3.

Nutmeg xx